PSG trooper in the rain goes viral

Oftentimes treated as invisibles, a PSG trooper who instantly goes viral over the web is really a new story to tell.


With Presidential Security Group’s sworn duty to protect one of the most influential persons in the world and leader of entire Filipino nation, our troopers have been used to taking the risks from every danger’s surface to its inner core. And most of the time, for all the sacrifices, they are unrecognized. Not until these photos circulated online.


The citizens present at an event attended by the President in Tagum City, Davao del Norte noticed our PSG trooper soaked in rain, vigilantly observing the surroundings while President Rodrigo Roa Duterte delivered his speech. Citizens took a photo of him which were eventually uploaded in social networking site Facebook in which netizens’ hearts were deeply touched by the shown dedication and sincerity to our trooper’s duty.


No wonder that as of date, the post has reached 3.1 million people and it still continues spread on social media. Because of these photos, Presidential Security Group’s Facebook page likes has grown from more than 4,900 to more than 23,000 in just a span of two (2) days.


Keep the love and respect going for our PSG Troopers and keep supporting our President and the government. Let us all unite for a better Philippines.


Featured image courtesy of Cerilo Ebrano

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